21-12-2023 07:00

Schwere Überschwemmungen im Nordosten Australiens nach heftigen...

20-12-2023 15:00

In Kolumbien kam es zu einem Zwischenfall....

20-12-2023 07:00

In Emirates Hills, auch bekannt als das...

19-12-2023 15:00

Die Welt entwickelt sich hin zu sauberer...

19-12-2023 07:00

Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU haben...

18-12-2023 15:00

Die Royal Mint hat zusammen mit dem...

18-12-2023 07:00

Wenn du in den letzten Monaten bei...

15-12-2023 15:00

Im indischen Parlament kam es zu einem...

15-12-2023 07:00

Der COP28-Gipfel, der in den Vereinigten Arabischen...

14-12-2023 15:00

Ein Mann erlitt vor einem Krankenhaus in...

What is Level 2

Level 2 is for intermediate students. In this level, we use 2000 most important words in spoken German. In our short news we mark every word which is from a higher level. When you understand all words in Level 2, you know 2000 words in German and it is time to go to Level 3. When you read and listen to Level 2 news every day, very soon you can know 2000 most important words in German.

How to improve your German with German in Levels: 


  1. Do the test at Test Languages.
  2. Go to your level. Go to Level 1 if you know 1-1000 words. Go to Level 2 if you know 1000-2000 words. Go to Level 3 if you know 2000-3000 words.


  1. Read two news articles every day.
  2. Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words.


  1. Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time.
  2. Listen to the news from today without reading the text.


  1. Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.